March 05, 2009

I SAW...

my kids. I really loved to spend time with them. Now i need to wait for 3 weeks to see them again :(... Love you my babies.

I am searching for some inspiration for my new studio. I know i want to make it lime-green with white and a little red. And then it's time to decorate it and to start scrapbooking again.
I can't wait to work on it. I hope you missed my work LOL...

I can't take any pictures of the layouts I made. My camera is not doing his job LOL

for all the dutchies: CHECK OUT corinne's blog for a scrapalicious weekend.
there are very inspiring teachers. So go and check it out...

Now I'm going to rest for a while...I hope i can take pictures of my dog and layouts...

till soon...

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