February 28, 2009



i haven't seen them in 3 weeks.
it feels like 3 years.
I cry for them.
I smile for them.
I fight for them.

back from the clinic.
A new dog Oscar

thursday will be a big day
the day that i will see my precious babies
I miss them soooo much
i can't wait to hug and kiss them again

I hope that no one have to miss their children like the way i miss them.

love you my babies...


Anonymous said...

Ik hoop dat je snel je kindjes weer in je armen kunt sluiten en zij je kunnen overladen met hugs and kisses. denk aan je! houd vol.


Mireille said...

sterkte meis!

Anonymous said...

I happen to run onto your blog again. I am not sure what is going on but I wish you only WONDERFUL THINGS. All my ((orange)) love,
Laura Solomon

Canne said...

I often think of you and look in on your blog, I don't know all your troubles but I send you only good thoughts and hope things work out for you.