Saturday, October 06, 2007


Time flies BY... I haven't updated my blog for a while, so sorry about that. But I'm burried in Deadlines. AND I'M LOVING IT... There are some amazing things Happening to me.. I feel SOOO Blessed and LUCKY...

- I took another class with Jo-anne te RAA... An embellishment workshop in Ede ( Love that girl, love that shop, love the owner and LOVE THE WORKSHOPS over there... We made a really cool book with all sorts of embellishemnt ideas in it... Jo-anne learned us how to crochet. I always loved to crochet. I made a lot of things with it. But I never used it on my scrapbookpages. That will change for SURE... ;) Thanks Jo-anne for the amazing workshop... I can't wait to come to the Hambly workshop you will be teaching this month... ;)
The beautiful teacher Jo-anne
The designteam is workshopping too ;) Such a sweet woman... You see that little girl?? She was there with her mom... Scrapbooking.. Freaking amazing..
Dorenda... The supersweet owner... How can't you feel comforable over there??? ;)
Antoinette (she knows how to use the bind it all LOL)

- I had an APPOINTMENT with the owner of a scrapbookstore ( They asked me to be their GUEST TEACHER. So I will be giving my very FIRST workshop there. HOW FREAKING COOL IS THAT??? I already prepared a class. And let me tell ya, I'm already in love with the project ;) I will post a sneak peak when 'we pick a date... It includes transparencies, chipboard, felt, buttons, PAINT... really cool album...

- I went to the magazine ( And I GOT a lot of YUMMY stuff to play with... And a really exciting offer... GOSH, this is like a dream come true... I can't tell you anything YET... It will be revealed in the December ISSUE of the mag ;)

- My daughter started pre-school ( I think you call it like that or Kindergarten). She's sooooo excited to go there every tuesday and friday. So fun...

- My latest pages for I will miss it... It was amazing working for you this past 3 months girls. thanks for everything...
BTW: our assignment was to create your own journalling spots...

And NOW i'm a guest designer for .... I got some really cool ribbons and stuff... I already created a layout.. Will show it to ya soon...
ANDDD I will be guest designing for a manufacturer next year... Can't tell you which one YAY...
So I had a lot to tell.. And I bet I forgot something...
There were girls who tagged me but i can't remember who anymore... Please girls LEt me know... And I will do it... Love you all...
ANDDDDDDDDDDDD there is a fun little game going on... PaY IT FORWARD...
What does this mean? The first 3 people WHO comments on this blog will get something handmade from me within the next 365 days... I will be getting something from brigitta and Nat... So that means the FIrST 6 people will get something HANDMADE from me...
BUT you need to post it on your blog too and pay it forward to other 3 people... I can't wait to see who will be the first 6..
Ready set GO...


Mireille said...

prachtige layouts weer. Blij dat je weer iets gepost hebt! =)

Unknown said...

..oh Emine.....!!! I love love love the layout you made for our photoswap!!! It is sooooo awesome!!!! I cant believe it!!! Love all your wonderful news!!! You will teach and have so many new GDT spots and ..just wohh!!!! Please do tell me where and when that wil be, maybe I could come to your workshop??? I would love to!!!I am No. 2 to comment.... that means I will play pay it forward with you, right??? LOL!!!

*~SCRAP-GEK~* said...

he emine.....lang niet gezien! ik hoor het al druk druk druk! je hebt weer super leuke LO's gemaakt joh! helemaal gaaf!en die foto van ons bij de workshop van! whahaha! en wat heb je toch veel leuke nieuwtjes te vertellen joh! gefeliciteerd! fijn dat je dochtertje het zo leuk vind op het kinderdagverblijf....wat een schatje zeg! leuke foto hoor! en wanneer ga je weer naar scrappen doe je zo? dan kunnen tammie, jeanet en ik mischien ook een keertje langskomen! lijkt me gezellie! nou, ik spreek je snel weer! fijn weekend! groetjes marije.

Lisamariemlt said...

hey there
congrats on all the stuff-hugs
you sure are busy

I'm not one of the three-but I was so wondering if you could or would post the directions on how to make that cute little flower--I have been trying to find those instructions forever==hugs if you could==hugs if yah can't
you keep doing all you do girlie
love your stuff

Miranda said...

Gezellig dat je weer gepost hebt!!!! Had je blogpost al gemist..!

Silvitanova said...

He girlie, good to see you again! Love that picture of your daughter in kindergarten!
Cool layouts to!!!

Iris said...

Hey Emine,

beterschap! Lees net op msn dat je de griep hebt....
Je hebt weer een hoop gave dingen gemaakt zeg! SUper hoe jij dat met verf kan.
Hou ons op de hoogte wanneer je de workshop geeft. Als ik kan kom ik zeker! Lijkt me erg leuk.

Was deze week nog even in Heesch. Hoorde idd van Kirsten dat je met een opdracht bezig bent. Gaaf joh! ben benieuwd!

Jeetje schattig hoor de foto van je dochtertje . Wat leuk dat ze al naar de creche gaat!

Je@net said...

Haaa die Emine, eindelijk weer terug in blogland! Heb je gemist! En meteen met een boel leuke nieuwtjes!! Je bent lekker bezig meis! Fijn zo!! Je verdient het ook!
Gave lootjes heb je gemaakt! Moest vreselijk lachen toen ik onze foto op de lo tegenkwam! Super!! you too girl ♥
Kom je gauw eens deze kant op?! Mail me anders ff om wat af te spreken!

Ice-Angel said...

Heey meis!!
Hier is nr 3 van the scrapeteers LOL.
Leuk weer wat van je te lezen :-D
And what good news it is!! Je timmert lekker aan de weg hoor, keep up the good work ;-)
En net wat Jeanet zegt, let's meet sometime soon!!

Fauve Design said...

beautiful stuff again girl!That workshop looks like FUN!

Ingrid said...

Wow! Some great layouts again. How fun to see myself in one of the pictures. :-)) Congrats on the GDT spot, and your first workshop. That's pretty exciting, isn't it?

Take care

Shelly Brewer said...

so much fun stuff going on it all! congrats on the teaching and guest designing!!!

michelle said...

love everything you make, lady and so glad all those wonderful things are happening to you. you rock!

M@risk@ said...

Missed your new posts. Glad you showed us some wonderful new stuff. Good luck on all the beautiful things happening in your scrapping live.

Nura Keif said...

OMG i love those layouts!!! They are totally stunning gorgeous!! Huge congrats for the GDT spots and on the teaching!! Just amazing!! Sorry i was supposed to reply your email. I am super busy at the moment. Miss you and take care!!;-D

Manu said...

just amazing!!!!!
no words to describe your layouts and your style!

Monique Helfrich said...

Mijn hemel, wat heb jij het mega scrapdruk!!! Zo gaaf dat je rocking good lekker gaat! wij genieten lekker met je mee hoor! En je weet me elke keer wel weer nieusgierig te maken ... voor welke fabriknat je bijv, in het duest dt zit bijvoorbeeld.... Gaaf om die layout te zien van onze groepsfoto! weer een super kunstwerk!

saffiertje said...

Pretty busy I can see! That worksohp sounds like fun!
Your Lo's....awesome!

Iris said...

hi hi, ik heb je getagged;)

Anonymous said...

Damn girl !Your pages are so awesome!!!! How about another tutorial?

Anonymous said...

You go, girl w/all the blessed things happening for you and you are blessed w/this awesome talent of yours!

Nessa said...

i really love all your layouts
you really rock
and congrats for being the guest designer
you deserve it

mary h. said...

Congrats to you girl!!! I'm so very glad that you believed in your talent and went for it. With one little ole rejection came a ton of amazing opportunities.

Love ya bunches, sweetie.:)

Marjolein said...

Wow, missed you for a while, but your back!! And with wonderful stuff as always, love it!!! And that crochet thing, looks so cool, I wanna try it too, but need patterns.... maybe Google can help me out?!!

Tammy said...

Well I haven't been around much because I'm back at school earning my degree but I see that you have been very busy !! Great work girly!!

Micayla said...

Where do you find all the time, to do what you do!!! I struggle just going to work!!
I love all the scrap stuff you have been doing, it all totally rocks girlie!!!
Congrats on the class, I would love to take it. Any plans on coming to the UK? Ha!!!!

Rachael said...

Great layouts, Emine!!! :) Beautiful!

Anilú Magloire said...

Always amazing work, Emine! Good luck with your teaching. Those are some lucky girls that get to take your classes!!

stephanie said...

wow your LOs are amazing! so much passion goes into them!

Anonymous said...

stunning work hun - as always - your fingers are flying :)

Birgit said...

You made some amazing stuff again girl! Have fun teaching your first ws, I'm sure you'll do great!

Unknown said...

Those flowers are adorable! And your layouts are just beautiful as usual!!!

Tessa Tegendraads said...

't ziet er allemaal weer helemaal geweldig uit!! En in Doorn was 't zeker weer errug gezellig?? Kan niet missen he... ;-)

Groetjes van Tessa

Mireille said...

lieve skeet.. ik heb nou al zolang niks gehoord .. en jij wilde zó graag dingen over MIJ weten..
leek me maar 1 oplossing mogelijk


(de details staan op mijn blog!)

Nessa said...

euhi emine
just a little look at my blog, there's a surprise for you

Anonymous said...

wow...all those layouts are gorgeous!!!! and how fun to get to do a class with her!

M@risk@ said...

Hey girl, where are you??? Miss your wonderful creations.

ellen s. said...

HOW ARE YOU??? been forever since i came for a vist but i see you haven't updated in a bit! ;)

Tammy said...

Hey there girly... HOw are you??