July 31, 2009


Look at her. Isn't she the cutest???
Her Name is Kaylee... She's my Boyfriend's daughter. 2 days younger then Dilara. She is SO CUTE and SO SMART. I'm happy to have her in my life. I miss her very much...
It's 4:35 am and I'm still up and working. I bet Johnny will be mad LOL...
It's just that I have so many ideas floating through my head that I can' t sleep. Working makes me happy. Creating makes me happy. Dreaming (while awake LOL) makes me happy.
So I miss a few hours of sleep. WHO CARES? not me heehee
Well, there are a lot of secret projects going on in this Studio.
Need to tidy it up though. I need to send pictures to aby and I really don't want her to see it looking like this LOL.
Btw: If i promised any of you something, anything PLEASE REMIND ME. I know that there are a few things but i can't remember what it is....
If you don't want to type it here,, please email me at organizedandmessy@gmail.com
I need to go now, I'll try to take pictures tomorrow to post here. I've done a few layouts ;)
big hug to you all

July 25, 2009


Something is happening right here.. Shhhh don't tell anyone.... LOL
In august my studio will start getting organized thanks to the FABULOUS aby garvey ;)

And I want to ask you all



July 21, 2009


I'm working...
Really hard....
And it will pay off soon...
I'm so EXCITED....
This new opportunity will make me the happiest person on earth ;)
I'm searching for a dutch scrapper who has a lot of time...
email me at eminepazan@live.com