It's NOT finished yet... i only did the front cover and the introduction page... I will finish it when I have the time for it... I need to work on some HUGE deadlines this upcoming 2 weeks. HEE HEE... But this project will be SO COOL... I'm in LOVE with Little albums that hardly can close LOL...
And here are some shots of my studio.... NO, IT'S NOT NOT NOT FINISHED... it will take some time... I need to find a better storage for my paints... I need to have a big closet... bla bla bla... I just have so much to do...
Uhmmm yes, winnie the pooh is still hanging on the wall... I made them myself for Dilara... I attached christmas lights on the back of the winnie the pooh. So It looks really AWESOME at night ;) But I will take it down AS SOOON AS I BUY A CLOSET ;)
thank you for all your awesome comments. I know I have been really a bad blogger AND a bad blog visitor the past weeks... I will make up for it. I PROMISE...